How did you get involved in missions?

While I was a senior Pastor of a church in Garland, Texas God told me to resign that position on January 21, 2006 and go in the mission fields around the world. I am a missionary planting churches and doing mission works in India, Nepal, Kenya, Ecuador, Mexico etc. But my main focus is in India. 

Did you ever imagine you would be where you are today?

I was a Chemical Laboratory Manager of a local Laboratory till 1996 and my wife was a Registered Nurse working at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas till 2015. I was an associate pastor of another local church until 1995 December. God directed me to start a church in Garland in 1996. I had a passion for perishing souls of unreached areas of India.

What projects/objectives have you been working this year?

World Mission 360 is a non- profit 501 3 C organization registered in USA as well as in India. We have 55 churches, 118 missionaries working in the fields of India, one orphanage with 40 children, we do medical camps several times in India during our mission trips, we have feeding programs for the destitute and homeless, we dug several Bore Wells in North Indian villages to access drinking pure water for the villagers. We purchased 6 acres of land in the State of Gujarat in North India to build an orphanage for 100 children, to build an English Medium School, and to build a Medical Clinic with 5 to 10 beds in the remote village of Parchuli, in North India. We will be going back again this October for Mission Trip. 

How can we pray for you?

Please pray and we want a lot of funding for the projects for which God has given vision.

What practical needs do you currently have?

Spiritual covering and funding, good teaching materials etc.

What does a day in your life look like? 

Other than prayer and daily spending time with the Lord for His guidance, trying to fundraise for the projects.

Tell us something interesting about you.

I came to this country 45 years ago. Got married to an Indian girl. Our engagement was in India in a local church in our absence, the wedding was here on August 10, 1974. Came to work as Chemist and Nurse. BUT HE CALLED US FOR THE MINISTRY. Now, forsaking all the comforts and pleasure of this great country, we are sent back to the dry, hard, hot mission fields of India where the temperature was 120 F during our last Mission trip in June-July. We loving it and content and are seeing thousands of people getting saved and doing great charity works. COME AND SEE.

What’s your favorite Bible verse and why?

Our favorite verse is “Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth as your possession”. Psalm 2:8.

Do you have any secret or hidden talents?

I am a Soccer player. God is using me to preach, teach, and conduct pastors and leaders conference in a different part of the world representing major evangelical Christian organizations in the United States.


Hobbies: I am a constant reader and student. Love to hear good teachers teach, attend a seminar and learn and learn and learn.


My hope and dream: When my Journey is over in this world I want to hear from my  LORD AND SAVIOR, “WELL DONE SON, COME HOME FOR YOUR REST”. And my children, grandchildren, and my fellow brothers and sisters should say like Paul said, “ I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness….shall give me at that day” 2 Timothy 4:7-8.

Jeremy Dorman