How did you get involved in missions?
In 2001, God has called me to the mission by putting the passion in my heart to go back to Thailand to work on media mission for Christ. The Mandate is to preach the kingdom of God via radio and TV. Therefore, I went to further my Master Degree in Divinity, majoring in Practical Theology, at the Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA and graduated in 2005. I had started my mission in Thailand in 2006. Before I went to Thailand, I went to talk to Pastor Ralph and Donna Holland (at that time they were Pastors for international missions of Covenant Church, Carrollton, Texas) about my calling. They agreed. Since then, the Covenant Church has been one of the main donors for my mission.
After one year, since I went back to Thailand to fulfill my calling, God put me on national TV channel 5 in Bangkok. A little while after that, I started my radio program on national radio station FM89.5. I continue to speak about Christ since 2007 until now. My radio program now is on prime time at the same station. Believers and those who are interested in Christianity have been listening to the program regularly.
Did you ever imagine you would be where you are today?
I have had this vision for a long time even before I started the mission in Thailand in 2006. I know I would serve the Lord by preaching on radio and TV about His love and His will for this world.
What projects/objectives have you been working this year?
My new project this year is to enlarge my vision and mission. I started my new office for media ministry and teaching ministry last year in my home. This year the Lord has put the desire in my heart to start Counseling and Training Center in the building next door. I have attached my plan with this report.
How can we pray for you?
I have been working on media ministry, preaching and teaching the leaders and believers for almost ten years in Thailand. The Lord has inspired me to start a counseling and training center called “The Empowerer” to serve Christian leaders or believers from any local churches. I will train more counselors and teachers to help me to do this. I need to enlarge the building by buying the building next door. (The place I have right now is my home.) Please pray for this fund to come. I believe this expansion is the Lord’s mission and He will pay for it. The reasons I want to do the Counseling and Training center because as I teach the students, the Lord renews their minds, change their lives and bless them clearly. I believe with all my hearts that the Lord is with me in teaching, preaching and counseling. Please pray that the teaching ministry is expanded.
What practical needs do you currently have?
For this new project, I need the fund to pay the monthly mortgage ($1700) or to pay it off ($295,000). Please pray that the Lord confirms this mission by providing the financial needs.
What does a day in your life look like?
I preach on the radio every Sat, preach at church every Sunday, counsel to the needy every Tuesday or Wed, teach a Biblical class every Thursday, conduct Healing Service every third Friday. The rest of the time is the time for me to prepare the materials for preaching, teaching, and counseling and stay close to the Lord. The Lord keeps me busy every day.
Tell us something interesting about you.
The longer I serve the Lord in Thailand in the areas that I already mentioned, the Lord has confirmed His calling on me by giving me more spiritual gifts and also increasing the gifts He already has bestowed on me. The gifts are in preaching, counseling, teaching and praying for the people.
What’s your favorite Bible verse and why?
Galatians 2:20 is my favorite Bible verse. I know it is powerful. “I have been crucified with Christ on the cross and “I” no longer live but Jesus Christ lives in me. The life that I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” It enabled me to crucify my flesh, purify my heart, wipe away my ego, renew my minds, and master my emotions and to love the Lord more each day.
Do you have any secret or hidden talents?
I counsel and pray for the broken-hearted or pray for their deliverance, they get healed and delivered. I pray for the sick and encourage them and they get healed most of the time. I pray for people to receive the anointing from the Lord and they receive them. Every time I preach the message from the Lord, I feel the strong anointing on me and people receive the insight from the message in a special way. When I teach, people truly understand the message and are able to act accordingly and the Lord confirms by pouring the blessings on their lives. When I pray for the believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit, they normally fall backward on the floor and later witness the changes the Lord has done in their lives.
I sing and listen to worship songs.
I dream that I can start a Bible School or Counseling and Training Center that can teach Christians in Thailand to really become victorious Christians so we can truly advance the Kingdom of God in Thailand. Most Thai Christians do not have victorious lives but defeated lives, which are the big obstruction for the kingdom of God to be advanced here in Thailand.
I dream that I would be able to hire at least two devout Christians to work full time to help me with the establishment of school or counseling and training center.